As a Girl Scout, there are lots of ways to have fun, make friends, and do things that have a positive impact on your life, your school, and your world. In grades K-5, Girl Scouts earn badges, join troops, hike and camp, and participate in the cookie program. In middle and high school, girls can also explore careers in science and technology, travel the world, discover nature, and take on projects that transform their communities.
What Do Daisies Do
Don’t we all wish we could look at the world through a Girl Scout Daisy’s eyes? Everything they do from planting a garden to putting on a skit to proudly adding that first petal to their vest sparkles with that "first time ever" newness!
Along the way, they’ll use their Daisy exuberance to help others and they’ll never forget how that feels. Every Daisy meeting is an adventure filled with giggles, energy, and excitement.
As a Daisy, she might:
Gain new friends as part of a troop
Earn petals (the special Daisy version of badges earned by older Girl Scouts) as she embraces the Girl Scout Promise and Law
Make a difference in her community through a Leadership Journey
Sell cookies (and have fun doing it)
Explore nature and the outdoors
What Do Brownies Do
Girl Scout Brownies are ready to take on the world, and Girl Scouting lets them do just that! They want to learn new things and show off what they know. They want to explore the world and meet new people. And they want to do something big that makes them feel great!
They get to do all these things and more in Girl Scouts: take that first hike in the great outdoors; visit a science museum; band together as a mighty Brownie team to sell cookies and use some of the money to help others. Life is good when you’re a Brownie!
As a Brownie, she might:
Expand her circle of friends in a troop
Have fun learning all kinds of new skills as she earns badges
Do a project that makes a difference in her community (and beyond) as part of a Girl Scout Leadership Journey
Bond with her friends as she sells cookies
Explore nature and the outdoors
What Do Juniors Do
Want to meet a real-life Supergirl? Just talk to a Girl Scout Junior who wakes up every day ready to play a new role.
Juniors are explorers when they go camping for the first time. They're CEOs when they market and sell cookies. They're scientists when they do energy audits and go on nature walks. And they're product designers and writers when they earn their Innovation and Storytelling badges. Not to mention change makers, big-idea thinkers, and future leaders. Supergirl, indeed!
As a Junior, she might:
Share stories (and smiles) with new friends in her troop
Try new experiences and learn new skills as she earns badges
Sell cookies (and have fun doing it)
Explore the outdoors at camp and beyond
Choose an issue she cares about, then do something to make a difference as part of a Girl Scout Leadership Journey
Earn her Bronze Award, the first of Girl Scouts' highest awards
What Do Cadettes Do
Making true-blue friends, saving the planet, standing up against stereotypes, using their team power for the greater good—that’s what being a Girl Scout Cadette is all about.
Cadettes blaze new trails in the wilderness, write and direct their own movies, take the stage for public speaking, make delicious meals from around the world, and pick up tools to do some woodworking. Their curiosity and imagination lead the way as they try all kinds of new experiences.
As a Cadette, she might:
Choose an issue she cares about, then do something to make a difference as part of a Girl Scout Leadership Journey
Earn her Silver Award, the highest award a Cadette can earn
Get outdoors and off the beaten trail
Try out new experiences (and learn new skills) as she earns badges
Gain confidence as she mentors younger Girl Scouts (and earns her Leadership in Action award in the process)
What Seniors Do
Girl Scout Seniors are ready to take the world by storm—and at Girl Scouts, there are millions of ways to do it.
As a Senior (grades 9–10), she might:
Go on an adventure and travel to amazing places like Costa Rica, Japan, and India
Be a positive role model, mentor younger girls, develop strong friendships, and fight bullying
Join with other girls to tackle an important international issue and earn a Global Action award
Explore exciting careers in a variety of fields from science to the arts, from education to government
And, of course, Seniors can earn their Gold Award, which adds that “little something extra” to college and scholarship applications.
Whether it’s enhancing school-based activities or helping girls make the most of community involvement, the opportunities open to Girl Scout Seniors are virtually unlimited!
What Ambassadors Do
With a wider world comes even more opportunities—and Girl Scout Ambassadors make the most of every chance they get to improve themselves…and their world.
Girl Scout Ambassadors are eligible for some pretty awesome opportunities to continue their leadership experience.
As an Ambassador (grades 11–12), she might:
Implement a Take Action project and become eligible for college scholarships
Join a crew of like-minded girls at a World Center in Mexico, India, Switzerland, Africa, or the United Kingdom
Work with younger Girl Scouts to build a rain garden, learn about nature, and help protect the environment
Enhance her relationship skills, problem-solving abilities, and knowledge of science and technology
Oh, and did we mention Ambassadors can earn the prestigious Gold Award—the highest award available to Girl Scouts? She could even be recognized as one of our National Gold Award Girl Scouts. Major accomplishments, for sure.
But whatever path girls choose, they'll take action to make a lasting positive impact on their school, their community, their world—and themselves.