Highest Awards
Bronze Award Girl Scouts
When Girl Scout Juniors team up to make a difference in their community, they learn important leadership skills, discover new passions, and watch how seemingly small actions make a big difference. It all adds up to the Girl Scout Bronze Award—the highest honor a Junior can achieve.
You can become a Bronze Award Girl Scout if:
You're in fourth or fifth grade (or equivalent)
You're a registered Girl Scout Junior
You have completed a Junior Journey
Girl Scout Bronze Award Steps:
Build your Girl Scout Junior team
Explore your community
Choose your Bronze Award project
Make a plan
Put your plan in motion
Spread the word
Silver Award Girl Scouts
When Girl Scout Cadettes focus on an issue they care about, learn the facts, and take action to make a difference, they gain the confidence and skills that will catapult them to lifelong success. It all adds up to the Girl Scout Silver Award—the highest honor a Cadette can achieve.
You can become a Silver Award Girl Scout if:
You're in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade (or equivalent)
You're a registered Girl Scout Cadette
You have completed a Cadette Journey
Girl Scout Silver Award Steps
Identify an issue you care about.
Build your Girl Scout Silver Award team or decide to go solo.
Explore your community.
Pick your Silver Award project.
Develop your project.
Make a plan and put it into motion.
Reflect, share your story, and celebrate.
Gold Award Girl Scouts
You’ve probably liked, shared, marched, helped out, and possibly even donated—now it’s time to take action and become a Gold Award Girl Scout. Who is a Gold Award Girl Scout, though? She’s the dreamer and doer who takes “make the world a better place” to the next level. She’s driven, passionate, and optimistic. She’s the leader of tomorrow today. Essentially? She’s you!
So get ready to earn the Gold Award, the most highly regarded award in the world for girls. It’s the mark of the truly remarkable, proof that not only can you make a difference, but that you already have. It’s a distinction that can open your world up to scholarships, preferred admission tracks for college, and amazing career opportunities.
To earn this unique award, Seniors and Ambassadors tackle issues dear to them and drive lasting change in their communities and beyond.
Here's what you need to do to earn the Gold Award:
Identify an issue.
Use your values and skills to choose a community issue that you care about.
Investigate it thoroughly.
Use your sleuthing skills to learn everything you can about the issue you've identified.
Get help and build your team.
Form a team to support your efforts and help you take action.
Create a plan.
Identify the root cause of an issue, and then create a plan to tackle it.
Present your plan and gather feedback.
Submit your Project Proposal Form to your Girl Scout council for approval.
Take action.
Lead your team and carry out your plan.
Educate and inspire.
Tell your story and share your results.