SWAPS...What Are They?
SWAPS stands for “Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere.” They are small tokens of friendship that Girl Scouts exchange with one another, and each SWAP uniquely reflects a fellow Girl Scout, their troop, or a memory of a special event. They’re a great way to share stories and get to know Girl Scouts from across the country and the world.

Tips for SWAPS Givers
Girl Scouts should:
Think about the kind of SWAPS they would like to receive from someone else.
Try not to spend a lot of money. Consider making something from donated or recycled material.
Be creative and take time to make hand-crafted SWAPS. (Include directions for making them if it is a craft project that can be replicated.)
Try to have one for each event participant and staff member.
Plan ahead so there's time to make them.
Make SWAPS that can be worn, used, or displayed.
Ask their group or service unit for help, if needed, in putting SWAPS together.
Make them portable. Remember, they must be carried or shipped ahead to the event, where other Girl Scouts will be carrying them away.
What To Do with SWAPS
Girl Scouts can:
Include them with thank-you letters to sponsors and those who helped with a travel event.
Keep them in a scrapbook, memory box, or shadow box.
Use them to make a quilt or other textile project.
Put pins and patches on a hat or jacket.
Start a council best-of-SWAPS collection.
SWAPS Safety and Etiquette
Girl Scouts should:
Never refuse to swap with another person.
Swap face-to-face, especially if exchanging addresses or email information.
Avoid using glass or sharp objects in SWAPS.
Follow all Safety Activity Checkpoints guidelines.
Avoid using food products, unless they are individually wrapped.